Thursday 11 May 2017

Just two words – “I do”

Just two words – “I do”

Today as I take your hand in mine at the altar of God
I realize that we are entering into everlasting partnership blessed by the Lord
The ring is a symbol of our endless love
I feel so blessed as I slip it onto your finger sealing our marriage vows
Getting married is something more than just saying “ I do”
It means being by your side always no matter what you are going through

Marriage is a sacred ceremony by which “You” and “ I” become “We”
I promise I will think more in terms of “You” and “We” and less of “I” and “Me” 
You and I shall learn and grow in marriage together
We shall sail in this boat of life, be it through storms or sunny weather
I know I am no longer free to do as I please
But that does not mean that I am in bondage and should frown and freeze

From this day I pledge to share with you my space, my life, my heart and my love and all that I own
I shall never make you feel lonely ; I need you very much to make my house a home.
Trust, love, care and faith are all but mere words until they are put to use
I shall try my best to practise them and also not blow my fuse
The secret of a happy married life is being slow to anger and quick to forget and forgive 
I would rather receive less from you and prefer to more give

We shall walk down the road of marriage hand in hand
I promise never to let you down in these times of shifting sands
You can always count on me; I shall catch you before you fall
In between you and me there will be no secrets, no doubts and no walls
From this day I pledge to worship you with my body, mind, heart and soul
Today two separate incomplete halves have joined together to become a complete whole

What God has joined together let no man put asunder
I give you my word; I shall always try my best to be understanding and tender
The Holy Family is the ideal one that we should get inspired by
With you by my side, I am sure the limit of our marital bliss is nothing but the sky 
So I take your hand in mine and say earnestly from the bottom of my heart “I do”
When I look into your beautiful eyes, I know your love for me is true.

-Poem composed by Deepa S Aiyar